Who we are

For Christians the principle of sustainability is an old idea. The roots of sustainability are anchored in the Holy Bible but in many cases forgotten in the daily life. The internet platform „sustainable preaching“ reminds us of these roots – and the responsibility connected to them. To translate this into action we want to build up an international network.

Development & Coordination:

Revd. Elizabeth Bussmann-Morton MA (Environment Officer for Diocese in Europe)

Mag. Katerina Karkala-Zorba (Conference Manager and Study Leader of the Orthodox Academy of Crete, Greece)

Revd. Dr. Rachel Mash (Environmental Coordinator of the Anglican Church of Southern Africa)

Dr. Hubert Meisinger (Ev. Church in Hessen and Nassau, Germany)

Dr. Michael Rentz (CEO „sustainable preaching“ Germany)

Support (Resources):

ACEN, Anglican Alliance, ECEN, Dr. Jeffrey Myers (Ev. Church in Hessen and Nassau, Germany), Dr. Dorothea Seeger (Friends of A Rocha, Germany), USPG

Financial support:

European Union, Pilgrim Path of Justice and Peace (Pilgerweg der Gerechtigkeit und des Friedens) Ev. Church in Hessen and Nassau, Andere Zeiten e.V. (Germany), Diocese in Europe (Church of England), Ev. Church of Pfalz (Germany), Ev. Church of Westfalia (Germany), United Society Partners in Gospel (USPG, Anglican Communion, London)

“sustainable preaching” Project Office
c/o Dr. Michael Rentz (Coordination)
Am Rimmelsberg 2, D-78315 Radolfzell
Tel.: +49 (0) 7732 9458-63 / coordinator[at]sustainable-preaching.org

If you would like to support us you can help by personal power (networking) or donations:

Account holder: ZGV EKHN
IBAN: DE59 5519 0000 0414 8660 12
Application: “Donation ‘sustainable-preaching’, ZGV, HHSt. 3131812”